i'm so excited! and really very honored to offer 5 readers 5 posters from advice to sink in slowly! that's FIVE readers get FIVE posters EACH! just in case you can't add, that's 25 posters in total! sorry to yell, but i am just so excited! ha! the oh so very gracious john stanbury, the brains and the brawn behind advice to sink in slowly has offered this giveaway as an exclusive peak at this year's designs. exciting, right?
the entire group will be revealed in full when the new advice to sink in slowly website launches in approximately 3 weeks time. there is much planned too! the new site will showcase a wider range of submissions passing on personal advice in a creative way in the form of songs, written content, films and objects. a new range of submissions in different formats will be piloted every few months for view. an album of songs is slated to be released in december and a series of short story posters will be released in february. wow! it all sounds so exciting so book mark advice to sink in slowly's new website. i'll post when the site is live for sure.
the five poster designs featured in the giveaway are 'osmi' by barnaby richards, 'remember to escape outside of the city walls' by nigel peake, 'look lively' by oliver sutherland, 'get a bike' by kareena zerefos and 'incubate' by sian walton.
ok...get ready, get set...leave a comment, you'll have til monday morning when the five winners will be chosen. good luck!