Really drawn to these 'wet plate' photographs that photographer Boogie has been experimenting with. They seem haunted, leaving me equally as into his description of them:
"I've been experimenting with wet plate photography lately, and am having a blast. I've been doing it in the basement of our studio, which probably hasn't been cleaned in the past 50 years or so. Not the best conditions for this kind of work, but it's making for a really interesting results - the HAND OF GOD is present in every image. But if you wait around for ideal conditions, you might as well not try anything.
Another thing, I feel like this kind of photography really does capture a part of people's souls, and in this case it's the demonic part. Somehow I think it reveals people's dark sides.:
Boogie will be part of After The Rain, a group show at Carmichael Gallery opening this Saturday. You can see more of his photography on his blog or check his site out, a broad range of amazingness going on in there.