Well, it only took months! But between a full time job, holidaze and just generally trying to have a life I some how got the new look done! There is still some tweaking here and there and some things I'll need to add -- but ahhh, I couldn't wait anymore.
I hired Kate Miss of For Me, For You to do the branding -- which basically created the base for the new look. I think she did a great job! Kate has been through a lot recently and she was nothing but gracious and kind with my 37 or so emails.
I hope you like what you see. I'm pretty happy with the new look, I tried to quiet it down a bit. I'm planning on heading into a more personal vibe with lots of inspiration and art sprinkled all over and I think the new look represents that.
Please let me know if any links or things are borked or you are having any other issues. Or if you just love it! The blog will be 5 in June and it's crazy to think it's been that long! Thanks for joining me here. <3 meighan