Mark Warren Jacques' solo show Something About Everything About Something closes this weekend at White Walls Gallery. A few weeks ago, I dropped by as Mark was hanging the show for opening night. It's always super nice to see Mark, he's so full of life and always positive. He's a direct representation of his work, for sure.
"Symbols representing everything from conception, birth, love and sex, to death and the afterlife, appear within the works, with the artist finding inspiration in heartache and healing, codependency and cosmic forces."
As the press release conveys; Mark's latest group of work seems to visually span life, death and birth. And it's no wonder as Mark and his wife, Megan just had a brand new baby boy. (Congrats new parents! <3) If you're in SF, make it a point to check out the show before it comes down. I always love Mark's work, but this group is a rad mixture of growth for him. It's a dynamic and beautiful group.
If you can't make it to the show, you can do the second best thing and get yourself one MWJ's latest prints. I own a few and they are awesome quality -- and gorg to boot.
**I know it's hard to believe, but there are even more images on Flickr. ;)
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